The Deuclima CMV 500 V is a five-way mechanical ventilation and air handling unit for indoor wall applications that optimises comfort in rooms equipped with radiant systems. The following operating modes are possible: renewal, dehumidification, integration in cooling or heating and sanitisation with automatic activation of 'free heating/cooling' modes. The unit is designed to be controlled by dedicated Eurotherm controllers or by digital permissions.
The unit has a high-efficiency dual-flow recuperator, a motorised internal damper system for air flow management, and two EC fans with high pressure and constant air flow rates. Dehumidification is achieved by a dedicated refrigeration cycle that includes a high-efficiency compressor and two heat exchangers (evaporator and condenser) for treating the supply air. The hydraulic circuit includes an air pre-treatment battery, a condenser to remove heat from the refrigeration cycle, and hydronic valves to manage water flow rates according to system water temperature or system requirements.
High surface area filters ePM10 50% permit high levels of mechanical air filtration and they have been designed so that they are easy to inspect and remove in the case of maintenance. The machine is equipped as standard with an ultraviolet germicidal lamp, which is highly effective against mould, bacteria, germs and viruses, providing a safe way of sanitising the air without the use of chemicals and without harming the environment. The lamp has low energy consumption and long life (30000 to 50000 hours).
Apartments up to 110 m2
Dimensions: 1403 x 743 x 379 mm
Condensation capacity: 36 l/g (recirculation )
Sensible power in cooling: 920 W
Maximum external air flow rate: 250 m3/h
Energy class: A
Unit components

1. Heat recuperator
2. Air filters
3. Electronics
4. Refrigeration unit and batteries
5. Inlet fan
6. Hydronic circuit connections
Dimensions and measurements

Air flows

* for long distances it is recommended to change from D125 to D160